The Crossing Latinidades Humanities Research Initiative ignites cross-institutional and cross-regional comparative research, training of doctoral students, and new scholarship in emerging areas of inquiry about U.S. Latinos. Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the initiative serves as the initial anchor of the consortium of R1 Hispanic Serving Institutions established and led by the University of Illinois-Chicago (2020-2022).

The Initiative engages new comparative and collaborative research and scholarship with ten Working Groups advancing the knowledge of Latino/a/x humanities. The multi-institutional model of research and training expands opportunities for the growing populations of students to support a national cohort of doctoral students in U.S. Latino/a/x Humanities Studies as they commit to a pathway to the professoriate and professional goals. With this web portal, the initiative links all 21 consortial members sustaining a life-long community and network of researchers and scholars.

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