Crossing Latinidades
Summer Institute

The Institute’s goal is to equip participants with increased competence to enable scholarly innovation and expanded views of the field of U.S. Latino/a/x Humanities Studies before advancing to candidacy. The Institute becomes a site for intellectual exploration, exchange, and intense dialogue on theoretical, methodological, and epistemological models. Facilitating original, fresh, and unique approaches, it makes a timely intervention when participants are at a stage in which they have completed coursework and are developing and articulating new ideas to formulating research questions for successful humanities dissertation projects in U.S. Latino/a/x Studies.

Our annual Summer Institute aims to enhance doctoral students’ comparative research skills, intellectual breadth, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Emphasis is placed on exploring and reimagining a comparative framework that moves beyond the single-nationality paradigm. The Summer Institute features lectures, seminar discussions, workshops, and presentations with leading Latino/a/x Studies faculty and guests.