Writing Resources
Karen Kelsky
A classic for all things job searching. Also see her website, blog, webinars, and podcast. An updated version is expected in 2025.
Wendy Belcher
Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks, 2nd Edition
Michelle Boyd
Becoming the Writer You Already Are
We love Michelle Boyd and this book. Boyd also has a retreat and her blog is essential reading. Subscribe or read here.
Faculty and Dissertation Success Curriculums
NCFFD is the leading provider of professional development in higher education. See if your university subscribes for access to their amazing writing programs. We can’t recommend them enough.
Cathy Mazak
Mozak also has a retreat, blog, and a great podcast, Academic Writing Amplified.
Robert Boice
Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide to Productive Writing
“Begin before feeling ready.” “Be quick, but don't hurry.” A classic and worth the read, if you can find it.
Katherine Firth
Writing Well and Being Well for your PhD and Beyond: How to Cultivate a Strong and Sustainable Writing Practice for Life
This is a new book that we are excited to check out! Firth also has a blog and extensive website.
Katherine Firth, Liam Connell, Peta Freestone
Rebecca Pope-Ruark
Emily & Amelia Nagasaki
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle
They also have a podcast called Feminist Survival.
Annie Murphy Paul
The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain
Love this for thinking about how our brain is like a magpie, upending our brain-bound culture and encouraging us to think with our whole body and the world around us. She also has a good TED talk.
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